
 Mr. Farhad Khalaj            

  • 18 years of experience in the field of WEB-BASE systems.
  • Software Engineering from َAzad University of Iran in 2004.
  • The Mentor of AVATECH Startup’s accelerator co in Iran, one of the 5 top selective Startups of the University of Tehran in 2017.
  • Design and implement more than 50 websites in various fields (real estate, insurance).
  • Owner of the business site of KASBoKAR.CO.

Mr. Nick Arya (Mehdi Kordnavahsi)            

  • 32 years of experience in the design and implementation of integrated industrial and administrative financial systems in more than 100 factories.
  • Software Engineer of National University of Iran (Shahid Beheshti Tehran) in 1990.
  • Master Business Administration (MBA) in Information Systems of Virginia, USA 2015.
  • Co-Founder and programmer of the TOTAL Integrated financial software in the MS-DOS Environment in 50 Industrial Companies 1987-2005.
  • Co-Founder of the Visual Total team, Integrated ERP System in the Windows environment in 100 industrial companies 2003-2019.
  • Co-Founder of ERP GENERATION LLC co in Virginia, USA 2016.

Plans  What need? What NOT need?  We are with you
